2:07 PM

Don't subscribe to Blockbuster, use Netflix

With the absence of anything else to blog about I am going to blog about a movie (*Booooo). Quiet down, believe me I know how lame that is. The lamest part is the the movie that I'm going to be blogging about wasn't that great. It literally gets 2.5 stars out of five in my book. Meg and I subscribed to Blockbuster.com's movie rental service because, well it seems we pay about $20 in movie rental's every other month or so becasue of late fees and such and it will end up being cheaper this way. Go fig.

Now for the big reveal. Can you feel the anticipation? We most recently watched "21". This 'heist movie' and I use the term loosely, follows the formula pretty well with the appropriate twists that catch you almost off-gaurd. But what it lacks in suprises, it makes up for in ... um, getting a good actor to play a supporting role?

The K-Pax dude who's name escapes me and I'm about to imdb him was really good. Spacey!! That's it. Kevin Spacey. A quick aside to note how big a loser I am. I just imdb'd K-Pax to find out who it was that was playing the role in "21". Why didn't I just search for "21" and find him? I don't know.

Anyway, Mr. Spacey plays the former card counter turned MIT professor and leader of the new generation of young card counters. And he plays it well.

The other supporting actor "Lawrence Fishburne" (I didn't have to look that one up so suck it imdb) did a really good job too.

The rest of the cast however, did their jobs fine I guess, but overall the story was a little flat. This is one of those cases where you can tell the book by it's cover, or in this case DVD. By the by, I would bet the book is probably way better. If I ever read books, you could take solace in my critique of it.

A quick word now on Blockbuster.com. They've managed to make it even harder to find a decent movie than it is in the store. I don't know how these big chains operate but I suspect that they have contracts with only certain movie studios to exclusively stock that studios new releases. The selection is HORRIBLE. The only other movie we've ordered was "Bruce and Loyd ... something something" which is basically a promotional straight to DVD movie made up of footage that didn't get used in "Get Smart" thrown together and turned into a story that follows the timeline of the actual "Get Smart" movie just told from the point of view of the gadget makers Bruce and Lloyd. Oddly enough, even though it was pretty obviously an afterthought, there were enough funny parts and comical performances from Bruce (played by the guy that plays Hiro Nakamura on Heroes) and Lloyd (who I'm sure I've seen in a commercial or something but I'm not going to IMDB him since you can do it yourself) ...... what was I saying? Oh yeah, their performances are comical enough to keep you watching through the painful cheez.