12:37 PM

Random Questions

I too enjoyed reading these questions and answers. Alice, can I do them too? Before you say 'no', look below.

What where you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago I had just met the girl that became the woman I'm married to. I was in the Army, as were all my best friends. I had just won a "Talent Show" and was feeling like pretty hot stuff. I owned a Blue Toyota truck that was handed down to me by my older brother Ben, and would eventually be handed down to my younger brother Aaron (via my Dad) and from him to my nephew Jack. Still runs.

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Oreo cookies
2. Mother's Iced Raisin cookies
3. Chocolate No-Bake Cookies
4. My own Chocolate Chip cookies
5. Flan

5 things on my To-Do list:
1. Find out the gender of our baby to be
2. Sell my motorcycle
3. Ride my bicycle to work (on a day I work)
4. Weed the garden, trim back the areas that are inhibiting the growth or our watermelons, seed the front lawn, and plant a flower bed off our back deck. That's all one thing. Really!
5. Check in to a methadone clinic and get clean from the monkey on my back. (Sorry I couldn't think of a 5th thing)

If I suddenly became a Billionaire, I would:
Pay off my parent's mortgage and buy my dad a Cadilac. Take that Ben! I beat you to it ;) . Buy a ranch/farm/compound/commune or island that all the Riddles could live on and that select other family members would be allowed to visit, effectively seceding from the union. We would have a landing strip and a couple of planes for family vacations.

I'd start a Web show chronicling getting fired from different jobs in creative and humorous ways. ie Get a job as a bus driver and drive somewhere completely off the route and eat lunch with passengers still on the bus. Or get a job as the cotton candy guy and label the candies "strawberry navel lint" and "actual cotton, not candy", or just replace one of the candies with real cotton that has powdered sugar poured all over it.

5 jobs that I have had:
1. Family Fun Center (Arcade/Batting Cages/miniature golf)
2. Cell phone dealer
3. KFC Delivery Driver
4. Arrowhead water delivery man.
5. Cutco Salesman

5 things that you may not know about me:
1. I used to write decent poetry
2. Sometimes at night I get so afraid of dying that I actually feel cold.
3. I wanted to be homeless before I went on my mission, or at least I wanted to live in my camper and travel the country with no particular destination in mind.
4. I wish I was a hippy.
5. After a year and 9 months working where I work, I'm still not totally sure what my current job is.


The Metcalf Five said...

it was fun to read your random anwsers. I don't mind you doing the same thing. Very cool....in my mind you will always be a hippy.