12:22 PM


From here on out I will no longer recognize the English alphabet in it's current order. If the inventors of the QWERTY keyboard are to be believed, A is not the most recurring letter in the Alphabet. It is either 'g' or 'h' judging by the location each holds.

I will order all my lists Q-/ though I doubt anyone but myself and possibly the Artist currently known as Prince would choose a symbol instead of a name. On second thought, there is that guitarists from Guns 'n Roses. Does it count as a symbol still if you spell it out phonetically?

One of the great things about this order is that all the Andersons, and Smiths will be called nearly at the same time. And who knows, maybe that rascally coyote will start ordering his gadgets and gizmoes Quixtar instead of Acme.

Suzie, Ben, Kellie, Wayne, David, Jared, Jonathan, Sharon, Aaron and Nellie becomes.

Wayne, Aaron, Suzie, Sharon, David, Jonathan, Jared, Kelli, Ben, and Nellie.