9:48 AM

Terminiator thinks 'Technology will save us all'

Gov. Arnold (I can't spell Schwartsiwhatever right), said it here

When I heard this, immediately I had the thought that this is where we've come to in our worship of the new. The implication is that we're no longer saved by our works, grace, faith, a savior, inner peace or a litany of other earlier versions of salvation.

That it came out of the mouth of the Governator is just awesome comedic fodder. It's like someone on his speech writing staff said "How can we make it even more obvious that we elected a movie personality rather than a qualified leader?". All the 'girlie-man' references back during the last budget standoff weren't enough apparently.

But back to the real topic. Science and medicine have taken over as the new religion in our country, and in most of the world I expect. Priests taking confession have been replaced by psychologist taking an hour to listen to how you feel. Inner peace is then supplied by prescription rather than prayer and meditation, and in the ultimate irony, meditation is sometimes prescribed. The places of discovery are no longer seminaries, they are laboratories. Scripture has been replaced by Google as the place to find answers.

The end effect as so eloquently stated by California's leader, is that salvation from our problems is the job of scientists and engineers, instead of finding our own solutions with the help of deity, through quiet contemplation and study, and changing our personal behavior.