3:54 PM

Joining the Fun

Seems like everyone I know is starting a blog about their comings and goings. Meg thought it would be a good idea for us to start one too so, here it is.

I watch way too much television. So do my kids.

The Avatar finale was enjoyable.

The garden is going well. I should really put some pictures up of what it looks like now. The corn is doing much better than last time but still not as well as I'd like. The beans are growing but need a better trellis. The Watermelons are doing OK. There were 6 plants originally but one died and now we have 7. I know that's backwards, but it's true. Lemme 'splain.

The first time we tried the garden, we planted one mound for watermelon and put a bunch of seeds in it. They never grew a bit. This time we started with small watermelon plants instead in two mounds. One of the 6 plants died. The other five are doing fine, and apparently some of the original seeds from the failure garden were still hanging around waiting to germinate.

When Rusty and Jack came over to turn the soil with us and put in all the manure, we must have moved one of the seeds, and also planted on top of the old mound because two of the seeds germinated and are teeny little plants coming up. Cool huh?

I'll post Garden Pics later.